Fitness is a state of body; wellness is a state of being


35 THRIVE is a transformative wellness program

If you’re looking for a 30 day fat loss challenge, or a 2 week ab program, this is not it.

This is a program that can change your life ... starting from the inside.

Will you see physical changes? Yes! But trust us when we say the physical changes you see on the outside are a FRACTION of the results you can earn by completing 35 THRIVE

As you read & learn about the program below, keep that in mind.

This is not your next "new years fitness challenge"...

Think of this as a portal to a more vibrant and radiant life


There’s nothing worse than always feeling a little bit rundown

— always a little tired, a new pain in a joint every week, never quite able to completely focus on anything, and feeling like your mood isn’t in your control.

On top of that, you’ve gained a few pounds, your skin has lost it’s glow, you’re always bloated, and your hair won’t grow even though you’ve been taking good care of it.

It’s like living with a dark cloud over your head.

It’s exhausting.

You have goals. You want more out of life.

But you feel so stuck. Because you don’t have the energy to do any more than you’re currently doing. And you don’t have the time to make it happen.

It’s like you’re on a hamster wheel:

wake up with your neck or back hurting a bit, chug your coffee (because without it you wouldn’t be able to function), go to work, get hit with the mid-day slump and start dreaming of a different life for yourself…

Then you drive home, picking up food on the way, and only have enough energy to sit on the couch to watch tv. As you get out of the shower you see your super bloated stomach in the mirror and remember when you used to be able to eat without getting bloated. You take a while to fall asleep and then toss and turn throughout the night, never able to get a full, restful nights sleep. And do it all over again day after day.

Your thoughts beat you up every minute of the day to the point where you feel like you'll always be stuck right where you are in this funk forever.

I know how you feel… because I’ve been there myself…

But let me tell you a secret:

You aren’t meant to simply exist… you’re meant to thrive

Feeling chronically run down and broken isn’t an inescapable byproduct of your age or your genetics…

You can fix it

Those days where your dreams for yourself of feeling better, more radiant, and more vibrant feel tangible don’t happen just to tantalize you with the idea of a future that you can never have. They happen because that future is within your grasp.

The real problem

There is one roadblock that is stopping you from living your dream life: your lifestyle

Your lifestyle dictates your health. Your health dictates how you feel as you walk through life.

You might be thinking: but my doctor says I’m fine.

But just because your lab test are normal, doesn’t mean that going through life feeling like you’re on 5% battery is normal. Nagging aches and pains, brain fog, bloating, PMS are NOT normal. They are the first indicators of sub-optimal health. And thus, sub-par quality of life.

Upgrading your lifestyle will give you…

the energy to turn your side hustle into a business so you can quit your job and life your dream life

the mental clarity to get 10x more done in the same amount of time, giving you the freedom you never thought you’d have

the ability to run around with your kids and grand kids without getting tired and make memories with them that will outlast you

the self confidence to show up for yourself each and every day and be your own best advocate to live your dream life

the strength to travel the world and hike through the forest and mountains to see views and have experiences that only a handful of people have had

the mental peace and positive mood that will transform your down time from doom scrolling and netflix binges to passion for life and peace of mind

In short, the ability to thrive

Then what’s the solution?

The solution isn’t found in a pill bottle, reading a self help book, or starting yet another new fitness challenge.

As with most things in life, the solution to a complex problem isn’t a quick fix.

But that’s why I’m not here to sell you anything.

The cost of transforming your life is $0.00

I’m not asking you to invest a penny.
I’m telling you that you need to invest hard work.
And that your return on investment will be 100 fold.

What is 35 THRIVE?

A 35 day program to improve your wellness so you can truly thrive

35 THRIVE is the only program that is designed to upgrade your lifestyle to change how you experience life… from how you feel physically to how you feel mentally.

35 THRIVE will help you 100x the following:


mental clarity


positive mood

self confidence


You know this is exactly what you need

You already know that in order to change your life, you need to change your lifestyle.

But with so much misinformation and conflicting information out there in the health & wellness space, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

You don’t want to waste your time on plans and programs that won’t get you the promised results. So you never make any changes.

And, because you’re human, you always want to take the easiest path.

So many options out there are full of information and strategies and instructions. They require hard work and dedication. They require time and energy.

But you never know how much you’ll get in return. You never know if it will be worth the sacrifice. So you don’t do it.

That’s why we created #35THRIVE.

This 35 day program only requires 5 SIMPLE daily tasks.

And promises a 100x return on investment.

We intentionally picked the five EASIEST things you can do that will give you the BIGGEST impact.

Imagine yourself for a second actually living your dream life.

What is that opportunity worth to you in dollars?

Every day, the fitness industry preys upon people, offering them a temporary fix. “30 day weight loss,” “2 week abs,” etc

That’s not our style.

35 THRIVE will teach you how to set the foundation to transform your life over the course of 35 days.

If you commit today, you’ll get the 35 THRIVE program for the low price of $0.

You might be thinking, if we know how much this can change your life, why would we give it away for free?

It’s because we know how deeply a program like this can impact people’s lives.

Because we know that by completing 35 THRIVE, you will be healthier and happier, and be able to accomplish things you never thought possible with your life.

And because of this, we don’t want money to stand in the way of you doing this program.

And because even though it costs $0, it isn’t free.

It will cost time, hard work, and discipline.

I know what you’re thinking…

I’ll start after x, y, z…

But just think about how much you’re missing out on if you keep putting this off.

and if you’re being honest with yourself, you KNOW this is exactly what you need.

You’ve been feeling the aches and brain fog creep up while your energy has dwindled year after year. The longer you wait, the worse it will get, and the harder it will be to dig yourself out.

It’s easy to say “I’ll start later.”

It’s hard to make changes.

It’s hard to decide to choose yourself.

It’s hard to stop living on autopilot.

But it’s also hard to watch time slip away, too tired to chase your dreams.

It’s hard to see the years that have gone by and know what they could have been.

It’s hard to see other people living the life you want to have. That you’ve worked hard enough to deserve.

It’s time to choose which is harder

It’s time to take back control over your life