Empower yourself to create lasting change, with a best-in-class program weaving together holistic fitness education, expert coaching, and a supportive community

We've combined years of scientific research and practical experience into comprehensive courses that will help transform your fitness goals into reality, cultivate a powerfully deep and meaningful relationship with your body, and even support significant improvements to your overall health and wellness.

Introducing our


R E V E R S E D I E T I N G 1 0 1

The Metabolism Repair Manual

All of the information and tools you need to speed up your metabolism so that you can finally lose fat and feel good! 

F A T L O S S 1 0 1

The Healthy Weight Loss Guide

A comprehensive course on how to lose fat in a healthy, sustainable way to keep it off for good!

Register for one, get the other 30% OFF

Our evidence-based courses will help you reach your fitness & health goals in a healthy, sustainable way.

Our courses are:


If your fitness program isn’t sustainable, your results won’t be sustainable either.


A generic, one-size fits all plan isn’t going to cut it. We’ll teach you to customize your program.


You’ll learn not only what to do, but also why so that you can be confident and trust the process.


We consider the body as a whole, interconnected, complex system. It’s not just about exercise & food.


You’ll learn what to do after you reach your goals in order to maintain your results.

Imagine a world where…

Maintaining your dream body is effortless. You never have to think about dieting again. It feels like you and your body are on the same team.

You can easily eat over 2000 calories per day without gaining weight

You can go out with friends without worrying about what you eat, indulge on date night, and you embrace amazing new foods on vacation.

Seeing yourself in the mirror or in pictures doesn’t make you feel ashamed, frustrated, or guilty. Instead, you feel so damn proud of yourself for prioritizing your physical and mental health.

You don’t feel like you're on a never-ending hamster wheel where you're working your butt off but making no progress.




This isn’t just a dream

T h i s c o u l d b e y o u r r e a l i t y

Our Training Philosophy

We recognize that you are unique.

You have a different biology, experience, history, mindset, and relationship with food than any of our other students. We see you for you and provide a customized journey to help you reach your goals in a healthy way

We prioritize sustainability.

Over 95% of people who lose a significant amount of weight end up gaining it back within 5 years! We want you to be in the 5% who keep it off for good. We take a gentle approach to get you long-term success.

We know the science AND the real-life application.

We’ve put in hundreds of hours of research and have hundreds of hours of practical experience, and it shows in all of our programmings.

Fat Loss 101

Who it’s for:

You need help losing fat in a healthy, sustainable way and haven’t dieted much in the past.

Want to lost fat and keep it off forever

Are serious about results and want to do the work. We want you to feel good about your progress!

Are ready to not only transform how you look physically but also how you feel physically and mentally

Are excited to reach your full potential and see what you’re really capable of when you have a high-quality, science-backed holistic program to follow

Program Goals:

Sustainable fat loss

Program length:

Ongoing (cancel any time)

Start Date:

Enrollment is open year round

vs. Reverse Dieting 101

You have a slow metabolism and need help speeding it up so that you can lose fat or find more food freedom

Just can’t seem to lose weight no matter how how much you diet.

Want to be free of dieting forever—no more fear or guilt when you go out with friends and get a burger, fries, and a milkshake

 Have convinced yourself that poor energy, low libido, and steadily gaining more and more weight is just your reality and you’ll never get your dream body or life

Faster metabolism

Ongoing (cancel any time)

Enrollment is open year-round

Don’t know which course is right for you?

If you know how many calories you are currently eating, on average, use this calculator to determine which course will be a better fit:

If you aren’t eating that much right now, you would benefit from reverse dieting first.

We know it may be tempting to sign up for Fat Loss 101 if you want to lose fat. But if you have a slow metabolism, you’ll keep getting stuck unless you fix that first. Reverse Dieting 101 will help you fix your metabolism and then you can sign up for Fat Loss 101.

Register for one course, get the other 30% off!

Meet your Coaches

  • Founder & Coach

    Currently coaching Fat Loss 101

    Marisa is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and ACE Functional Training Specialist. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree from MIT.

    She has provided science-based fitness education on her YouTube channel, MissFitAndNerdy, since 2017, has worked with 1-on-1 clients for several years, and launched Holistic Fitness Labs in 2022 to be able to expand her reach and help as many people as possible.

    Through coaching dozens of people and helping them break through plateaus, heal their hormones, improve their mindsets, and lose weight, she discovered a strategy that worked.

    Driven by her fierce desire to help people everywhere change their bodies and their lives, she distilled all of her knowledge and first-hand experience into our second program, Fat Loss 101: The Healthy Weight Loss Guide.

  • Holistic Fitness Coach

    Coaching Reverse Dieting 101 & 1-on-1 clients

    Nicole is a holistic hormone health coach working with women to improve their periods, gut health, and overall energy so YOU can show up fully every day in order to build your dream life.

    One year, she hired an online fitness coach to “get her abs back.” But following their advice lead to losing her period and becoming significantly underweight. She was told to keep doing more cardio and eat less…which is terrible advice for most women. Needless to say, this experience launched her into doing her own research and diving DEEPER into women’s hormone health, so she could help other women lose weight, and reach their health and fitness goals, in a sustainable way!

    Since starting, she has helped clients lose 20-30 pounds in a year's time through reverse dieting and sustainable fat-loss methods. She has also helped clients improve their PMS symptoms, period cramps, energy levels, and learn how to work with their cycle.

    She is a certified as a nutrition coach through Nutritional Coaching Institute.

Ready to take the next step?

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