The science-backed lessons you NEED to speed up your metabolism, break through your plateau, and achieve your long-awaited weight loss results

For those ready to befriend their body and optimize their metabolism for effortless weight loss results that feel great and, most importantly, last forever

Does this sound like you?

You’ve tried every diet out there but nothing is working anymore. It seems that everyone else can lose fat and build muscle so easily, and you’re eager to learn how to achieve the same for yourself.

You actively steer clear of social situations that might trigger you binging on ‘bad’ foods, but you’re tired of missing out on life's pleasures. You know there must be another way.

You’re starting to wonder if poor energy, low libido, and relentless weight gain are just your reality. Your dream of attaining your ideal body and life feels like it’s only getting farther away.

You have big goals and high-hopes of finding something that works for you, but it’s getting exhausting putting so much energy into something that isn’t getting results.

Then it’s time to find a sustainable, feel-good solution that works for you, for good.

Let us show you how.



a FREE mini course for those ready to befriend their body and optimize their metabolism for effortless weight loss results that feel great and, most importantly, last forever.

This FREE mini-course will teach you how to:


Speed up your metabolism the right way so that you can break-free from toxic diet culture and finally lose weight in a sustainable, feel-good way (and eat your favorite foods and live your best life without any guilt or shame).


Take back control over the way your body looks and feels, so that you can enjoy not only the number on the scale, but also your heightened energy levels, revived libido, and newfound zest for life.


Finally break through your stubborn weight loss plateau and understand WHY your body is equally capable of shedding weight and building muscle as anyone else's.

It worked for them. And it can work for you too…

Hi, I’m Marisa

After discovering the fundamental secrets to actually enjoying my fitness and weight loss journey (and finally understanding what I was doing wrong all along) – everything changed for me. The process of getting fit was no longer tortuous, but a passion. Shedding weight wasn’t impossible, but effortlessly attainable. Staying consistent stopped being an unfulfilled promise, but an undeniable commitment.

I’ve now made it my mission to share what I know with as many people as possible. The diet industry isn’t going to tell you any of this, because they want you to stay stuck in this cycle. I’m here to help you break free — so that you can live the balanced, healthy, and holistic lifestyle that will finally get you the results you have worked so hard for.

Inside this 3-day mini-course, I’m sharing exactly what I learned back then that allowed me to fall in love with my weight loss journey while achieving physical + mental results that transformed my whole life.

If I can change one person’s life the way mine was changed, I’ll be happy. I hope that can be you.

“I was trying to eat 1300 calories a day and workout 6 hours a week to maintain my weight. I was exhausted all the time but couldn’t sleep well and my hormones were all messed up—I had the worst PMS and would get terrible anxiety and depression before my period.

After working with Marisa, I am now leaner than ever and maintaining on 3000 CALORIES! I still can’t believe it. I can eat literally whatever I want. My sleep is better, my energy is better, and my hormones are finally not controlling my life. I feel so free!"

-F A B I A

Need support making your decision or still have questions?

No problem! We’re happy to help. Send us an email at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.